June 11 - FIVE
As in, five shots remaining. Next few weeks will definitely be the countdown, now doable on one hand. Injection #19 last night the usual scenario – headache, muscle aches, skin aches (Is that possible? It feels possible), shaky and sweaty. The acetaminophen helps to alleviate all of this considerably. Slept well, feeling better this morning following a little more acetaminophen, but am fatigued. Will have my usual very quiet Saturday. By Sunday, will be on the move again!
I am, of course, indulging in the Saturday morning Starbucks ritual, this week including a venti bold coffee (really wanted coffee this morning!) and a lemon cranberry scone, with butter. It is hot, hot, hot still in Toronto. Each day has been at least 30 degrees and sunny. Love every single minute of it. Last night, post shot, we did put on the air conditioning and it helped a lot, however, usually I just like the heat. The cats are rolling about half comatose on the floor, a little less appreciative of the great summer weather in their fur coats.
We have three cats:
Goldie we’ve had since he was a kitten, now 14, is an orange tabby, our only outdoor cat, who rules the local alleyways and brings us home a variety of half dead and fully dead animals, including birds, mice, rats, bats and other bits and pieces, as offerings.
Rain was about a year in age when discovered several years ago by friends of James, left abandoned in an apartment they moved into, and we took her in…. Rain is an “unusual” cat, short haired white, with large, circular grey patches – when we had her spayed, they shaved her and the hair never grew back (I’ve asked the vet if this is normal – he says “no”), so she has pink back legs and belly. My sister Nancy believes that Rain looks like a small cow. Rain has several stuffed toy snakes that she carries around the house in her mouth while howling. Rain is afraid of sudden movements. Rain is one weird cat.
We obtained Curry (short for Courage), when I went to the animal shelter with my sister Sally, who was thinking of getting a cat. Sally did not come home with a cat, I did. Curry is about 9 months old now, is a white long haired female, with multiple grey and red patches and a completely grey and red fluffy tail. Curry weighed 2 lbs when she came home (at about 4 months of age), and was so sick, she almost died. Now, she rules the house and takes great delight in dragging toilet paper from the roll all over the upstairs. Such a cutie!
Both Rain and Curry stay with me after my shots and purr (Goldie’s out hunting).
The week has been great, although blisteringly busy at work. Will look forward to getting some serious energy back after treatment end. There’s been a return of the dreaded thrush, so am back on the “swish and swallow” for the next little while – ah well, it will pass. Discovered the newer version of Dr. Who on CBC this week and love it, so will be watching when I can from now on. Have been listening to Foo Fighters (new release), Coldplay (new release), K-OS, Stevie Wonder and Cat Stevens (“maybe if I laugh just a little bit…”), during walks to and from work. With the hot weather, I’ve taken to doing my morning yoga out on our deck. It is wonderful. There is something quite significant about actually looking at the rising sun while doing the sun salutation! A way to centre and calm, at the beginning of each day.
I am, of course, indulging in the Saturday morning Starbucks ritual, this week including a venti bold coffee (really wanted coffee this morning!) and a lemon cranberry scone, with butter. It is hot, hot, hot still in Toronto. Each day has been at least 30 degrees and sunny. Love every single minute of it. Last night, post shot, we did put on the air conditioning and it helped a lot, however, usually I just like the heat. The cats are rolling about half comatose on the floor, a little less appreciative of the great summer weather in their fur coats.
We have three cats:
Goldie we’ve had since he was a kitten, now 14, is an orange tabby, our only outdoor cat, who rules the local alleyways and brings us home a variety of half dead and fully dead animals, including birds, mice, rats, bats and other bits and pieces, as offerings.
Rain was about a year in age when discovered several years ago by friends of James, left abandoned in an apartment they moved into, and we took her in…. Rain is an “unusual” cat, short haired white, with large, circular grey patches – when we had her spayed, they shaved her and the hair never grew back (I’ve asked the vet if this is normal – he says “no”), so she has pink back legs and belly. My sister Nancy believes that Rain looks like a small cow. Rain has several stuffed toy snakes that she carries around the house in her mouth while howling. Rain is afraid of sudden movements. Rain is one weird cat.
We obtained Curry (short for Courage), when I went to the animal shelter with my sister Sally, who was thinking of getting a cat. Sally did not come home with a cat, I did. Curry is about 9 months old now, is a white long haired female, with multiple grey and red patches and a completely grey and red fluffy tail. Curry weighed 2 lbs when she came home (at about 4 months of age), and was so sick, she almost died. Now, she rules the house and takes great delight in dragging toilet paper from the roll all over the upstairs. Such a cutie!
Both Rain and Curry stay with me after my shots and purr (Goldie’s out hunting).
The week has been great, although blisteringly busy at work. Will look forward to getting some serious energy back after treatment end. There’s been a return of the dreaded thrush, so am back on the “swish and swallow” for the next little while – ah well, it will pass. Discovered the newer version of Dr. Who on CBC this week and love it, so will be watching when I can from now on. Have been listening to Foo Fighters (new release), Coldplay (new release), K-OS, Stevie Wonder and Cat Stevens (“maybe if I laugh just a little bit…”), during walks to and from work. With the hot weather, I’ve taken to doing my morning yoga out on our deck. It is wonderful. There is something quite significant about actually looking at the rising sun while doing the sun salutation! A way to centre and calm, at the beginning of each day.
Each scone sounds more delicious than the last! Nice to read about the cats -- as you know, I'm a cat person -- and only five weeks to go. I'm more susceptible to the heat this year, maybe a lingering side effect of treatment, or maybe just because it's too hot for me.
Stevie Wonder, can't really go wrong there.
Hi Peter,
I love the cats. Incredibly sensitive, empathetic souls.
Stevie always uplifting! "Living just enough, just enough for the city"...
Hi Sue,
Loved hearing about the kitties. I'm a cat lover too. We have 2 dogs as well. They are big and rambunctious so we hesitated for awhile before bringing a new kitten into the mix. The dogs, a 10 year old husky x spayed female named Keesha and a 6 year old male border collie x name Kody, are older now.
My husband brought home Sirus from a lady at work who's husband had rescued him from an abandoned litter at his work. I was really worried how he would make out with the dogs and he just marched in and took over. He just acts like everyone is his friend and that lifted lip that Kody is showing him must be meant to rub on.
He's a year old now and neutered and a very sweet and lovey boy who I enjoy immensely. We just bought a porch swing for the back porch and when I get home from work and head there he is usually there alreay waiting for me and enjoying the sunshine.
5 weeks to go!! Yay yay!
Hi Sue
Thank you so much for setting up a link with my blogspot earlier, I really appreciate that.
I don't drink coffee or have cats but hear your love and enthusism loud and clear.
My friend's cat recently went missing and she was terribly upset. She found her cat about 5 days later when someone rang her to say they had found it 12 miles away. She has no idea how it got there as she says its a very timid cat, she suspects it may have hopped into the back of a van or something and was mistakenly transported. Anyway she is now giving it a lot of tlc because of course it cannot tell her of its ordeal. Anyway it was a happy ending.
I do hope you continue to blog when you finish treatment, it would be interesting to hear what pre treatment symptoms do clear up.
I did notice somewhere in your earlier postings that you were taking milk thisle, did you continue this on treatment and if so did your consultant approve?
Thanks again for the link, I have revised my blog now especially the bit 'about me' as I felt it would restrict me telling some people I know about it.
Good wishes
Miss Poppy
Hi Jeff,
Although I'm only having one coffee per day, it is an important one! May need a Starbucks detox at some point....
Yeah, people either seem to be cat people, or not. Glad you had them while the kids were growing up though - I really believe having pets is wonderful for children for many, many reasons, being exposed to responsibility and caring not being the least of them.
The biking is terrific! My husband and youngest son also big into biking - Ron bikes to work and home to the other side of the city each day.
How's the increased ribavirin going?
Hi Elizabeth Anne,
Having both dogs and cats sounds terrific. We decided that for us, living right downtown in Toronto, having a dog would just not be fair to the animal. We've stuck with the cats, although we also have fish, as well as a lizard (bearded dragon), that our son Phil is responsible for.
Porch swing on the back porch sounding extremely fine! Hope you're also having this heat wave out in B.C., it's great! Expect that it'll be over soon.... this is just too good to last for our fine Canadian climate. Sue
Hi Miss Poppy,
Thank you for checking out my blog. I understand what you mean about having details on the site. Even disclosing my hepc positive status has been somewhat disconcerting for me, but I'm finding it easier now.
I am so glad your friend found her cat! 12 miles away is incredible!
I do continue to take milk thistle on treatment, with the approval of my hepatologist. We discussed it prior to my commencing treatment and he said he was okay with it, but requested I not take any other herbal remedies. I'm also on high blood pressure meds (low dose diuretic), calcium and vit.D for osteoporosis, and vits B12 and B complex with C as directed by my hepatologist. Am also taking oral nystatin x 3 daily right now for oral thrush (the "swish and swallow" referred to in my blog).
It's great to see you blogging! There's quite a hep c blogging community now.
Hi Jeff,
National holidays as good a time as any to be bumping up riba doses! Glad to hear you're handling it so well. I totally utilize a similar coping mindset - if I'm busy enough, then I just don't get to think about the downside much. Keeps me going too.
The big family get together sounds very fun! Take care, Sue
Hi Sue
Congratulations - 5 to go!! Fantastic!! You are doing so well!
Your cats sound like a bunch of characters! What a crew! I was laughing that you were the one who left the animal shelter with a cat! When they are small and poorly, how could you not??!! I would be exactly the same, and so avoid such places! I have some pillows and cushions in the car to take to the local shelter for animal beds, but need someone else to take them in for me just in case I spot a small animal in need...
What a peaceful and zen-like image - sun salutation out on your deck watching the sun rise. Even gentle stretching exercise does me in at the moment, but am planning to 'rebuild myself' after treatment starting with regular hatha yoga.
Hope you have a great week.
Hi Lu,
Yes, the cats are bizarre, but life would be incomplete for me without them. Have learned the animal shelter lesson.... will not go again without the express intention of coming away with a pet. It is impossible not to.
Yoga on the deck a most wonderful way to start each day. Love this summer weather! Hope you're week is great too,
I'm another cat person! I think all cats are idiosyncratic - mine have always been odd. Like yours, I have experienced a range of intriguing presents - birds, frogs, mice, rats, squirrels and even a ferret. Life is never dull with a cat!
Sounds like you are enjoying the final countdown - and with lovely weather to do it in! I just wish it was seasonally warm here - as we approach midsummer eve, the rain persists steadily ... I guess there will be a drought next month!
Hi Nick,
Great to see you blogging again! Cats are great and, I suspect, possess a wisdom (or maybe it's a disdain!), that is enviable.
Hope that things are going well at your new home.
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