April 9 - Life goes on
Saturday morning after injection #10. Wow, up to double digits! Unfortunately, not a great shot night with lots of flu-like reaction, despite the tylenol, and very little sleep. Now having my Starbucks coffee and lemon cranberry scone comfort breakfast and have added an es tylenol to the morning regime. Planning on a quiet day.
Was reading Steve's biopsy experience, which sounded quite unpleasant. I did not have a liver biopsy prior to treatment. Once diagnosed with genotype 3a, facing a shorter treatment regime with relatively high percentage svr outcome and showing unremarkable liver function on ultrasound, my physician was agreeable to having me take the treatment without biopsy. Should I not achieve an svr, I will certainly have a biopsy performed to be able to adequately assess where things are and to assist with future planning. Also affecting my nonbiopsy decision, I work within the health care institution where virtually all of the downtown liver biopsies are read by physicians I know well. At the time of my diagnosis, I was extremely reluctant to have my hcv status out there for all to see. As time progresses, this is less of a concern to me. This is good because I was placed in a position recently (by my employer), where my hep c and treatment were pretty much put out there with my coworkers, while we were discussing taking on extra responsibilities. Will only be a matter of time now, am sure, before it's common knowledge. Well, part of starting this blog was to help me to take ownership for this disease and its treatment. I am certainly impressed by the personal advocacy demonstrated by the other hep c bloggers. Perhaps I can do this with as much grace and stamina.
I've noticed that most of the other bloggers are being treated with the Roche Pegasys product. I am on Schering Plough's redipen formulation, prescribed as "Pegetron" in Canada. Am adding the Schering Plough hepatitis page to my "websites" sidebar. They only have a U.S. site, and the interferon and ribavirin products are "Peg-Intron" and "Rebetol" respectively there, I think.
There've been a few rough edges this week, not from the medication per se, but just life throwing a few curves in general. There was the work stuff, which despite involving promotion had the double edged sword of outing my hcv infection and treatment. As well, my bank, following extensive reorganization of my finances, managed to take money out of my account on a date that had been rescheduled for a different day each month, setting off a series of nsf cheques and frozen funds that required 2 days and multiple (often unanswered), telephone calls to sort out. In the end, they have redeposited wrongfully withdrawn monies and have covered all nsf charges so that it's all straightened out, but what a pain! I've also been contacted by a health care institution outside of Toronto enquiring as to whether I might be interested in helping them develop a plan for my type of work within their hospital setting. Finally, there is now an opportunity for me to arrange to write American examinations for my profession early this coming Autumn, which would entail my starting to study now. Alternatively, I could wait for a year and write in 2006. This all has made it (crystal) clear that, treatment or not, life goes on unabated. It is not standing still for my treatment and I continue to have associated choices and responsibilities to address. So I will address them.
Was reading Steve's biopsy experience, which sounded quite unpleasant. I did not have a liver biopsy prior to treatment. Once diagnosed with genotype 3a, facing a shorter treatment regime with relatively high percentage svr outcome and showing unremarkable liver function on ultrasound, my physician was agreeable to having me take the treatment without biopsy. Should I not achieve an svr, I will certainly have a biopsy performed to be able to adequately assess where things are and to assist with future planning. Also affecting my nonbiopsy decision, I work within the health care institution where virtually all of the downtown liver biopsies are read by physicians I know well. At the time of my diagnosis, I was extremely reluctant to have my hcv status out there for all to see. As time progresses, this is less of a concern to me. This is good because I was placed in a position recently (by my employer), where my hep c and treatment were pretty much put out there with my coworkers, while we were discussing taking on extra responsibilities. Will only be a matter of time now, am sure, before it's common knowledge. Well, part of starting this blog was to help me to take ownership for this disease and its treatment. I am certainly impressed by the personal advocacy demonstrated by the other hep c bloggers. Perhaps I can do this with as much grace and stamina.
I've noticed that most of the other bloggers are being treated with the Roche Pegasys product. I am on Schering Plough's redipen formulation, prescribed as "Pegetron" in Canada. Am adding the Schering Plough hepatitis page to my "websites" sidebar. They only have a U.S. site, and the interferon and ribavirin products are "Peg-Intron" and "Rebetol" respectively there, I think.
There've been a few rough edges this week, not from the medication per se, but just life throwing a few curves in general. There was the work stuff, which despite involving promotion had the double edged sword of outing my hcv infection and treatment. As well, my bank, following extensive reorganization of my finances, managed to take money out of my account on a date that had been rescheduled for a different day each month, setting off a series of nsf cheques and frozen funds that required 2 days and multiple (often unanswered), telephone calls to sort out. In the end, they have redeposited wrongfully withdrawn monies and have covered all nsf charges so that it's all straightened out, but what a pain! I've also been contacted by a health care institution outside of Toronto enquiring as to whether I might be interested in helping them develop a plan for my type of work within their hospital setting. Finally, there is now an opportunity for me to arrange to write American examinations for my profession early this coming Autumn, which would entail my starting to study now. Alternatively, I could wait for a year and write in 2006. This all has made it (crystal) clear that, treatment or not, life goes on unabated. It is not standing still for my treatment and I continue to have associated choices and responsibilities to address. So I will address them.
Hi Sue,
Instructions from the guru himself (Martin) as I received them, using the very same technique. It changed my life!
All told I would have lost five posts so far. I was getting paranoid!
The cut and paste bit is easy. Type your text into whatever word processor
you fancy, and save it as usual. Click on the 'Edit' bar at the top and then
the 'Select All' line. All the text should turn blue. Then do the 'Edit'
bar again and hit 'Copy'.
With me so far?
Go to your blogger account in the normal way and get to the point where you
would start to type text and press Control and V keys on your keyboard at
the same time. Bingo! Text transfers!
The Edit and Select All bit tells the system what text to work with, the
Copy bit puts it into an invisible temporary store called a buffer, and the
Control V bit does a paste operation which transfers the contents of the
buffer to wherever you have the cursor at the time. It works between just
about any applications.
It`s easy when you know how. Thanks again, Martin.
Thank you so much Paul (and Martin)! Will try for the next blog post.
Hi Sue,
Pegintron is the defacto standard offered by my hospital and I would have been taking that myself had I not asked specifically for Pegasys. Being a big chap with genotype 3 having Pegasys means I can have a lower level of ribavirin 800mg compared to 1200mg with Pegintron.
Chemically the difference between the two products is the molecule to which the interferon is pegylated. In your body Pegasys is processed by the liver whereas Pegintron is processed by the kidneys. This could be one of the reasons that my ALTs are still a bit on the high side.
You may not want to hear this but my nurse indicated that she thought Pegasys had fewer side effects than Pegintron though there have been no formal head to head trials.
I have been thinking and I rekon you should put together an interferon cook book - everytime I read your blog I get the urge to eat.
Hi Jonathan,
I've also heard the side effects may be worse with Schering's meds, but there is a Roche study ongoing here for Pegasys in nonresponders to Pegetron and I thought I'd leave that option open, just in case svr eludes me.
At 51 kg, I'm taking 80 micrograms of peg-interferon x once weekly (0.5 mL on the "green" redipen), plus 800 mg ribavirin daily (2 caps a.m., 2 caps p.m.). I think that because of my 3a genotype and my weight, they didn't put me on the usual 1000 mg daily Schering riba for those < 75 kg. No complaints about that.
Glad you're enjoying the food menu!
Ah ha, the elusive "recover post" icon! Will be checking for that on next entry, definitely. Thanks Alan. Glad you've joined our little community!
Hi Sue,
I am also a Gen 3a and into my 9th week`s tx.I too like Jonathan, take Pegasys and so far have had no side effects from treatment.I am 49yrs of age, married with 3 children and living in Germany.
I remember from one of the very early postings on Ron`s site, that you said that you had a fatty liver? I was diagnosed with a fatty liver in 2002 after a liver biopsy before they even new i had Hep C.I read on the internet that there is some correlation between gen 3 and fatty liver?I read your blog regulary as with all the other blogs.Take care and i wish you every success.
Thanks Jane - although my employer did not actually "tell" people about my hcv and treatment, she did place me in a position where it was very difficult not to disclose. I.e. when accepting a position of increased responsibility, I was asked if I wanted to "share" with my peer group my "very legitimate reasons that might make this a difficult thing for me to take on at this time". A little hard not to "share" at that point, particularly when her comment was completely unexpected. Did accept the new position (despite my "legitimate reasons"). It was an unprofessional way for her to handle the situation and I'm very surprised. It's done. Large lesson learned with regard to her ability to handle staff confidentiality. If a similar situation should arise with her in the same context, I will let her know that I am following up with human resources.
Dear Eddie,
Hi! My hepatologist told me, once I was diagnosed with genotype 3, that it was expectable that I would have fatty change, as this is generally seen with this genotype. I have not had a biopsy.
Great to hear from you in Germany! also great to hear that you're on 9th week with treatment without side effects! That is fantastic!
Hi Sue,
You only have 80mg of interferon, bloody hell I am on 180mg.
Yes Jonathan, but I weigh 51 kg. I don't want to even think about 180 micrograms of interferon! Notice, however, that we're both taking 800 mg of ribavirin! That's a bit scary! Sue
Hi Sue, I'm on 180mcg Pegasys and 1000mg Rib and I'm less than 60 kg - I am type 1b - specialist said that he wanted to knock it on its head. He told us that Pegasys had a gentler start - building up to the side effects at end of 4th week whereas Pegintron had more instant side effects on day 1.
Sorry to hear you've had a grotty week - it can only perk up.
best wishes
ps has the snow gone?
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