June 18 - FOUR
Injection #20 complete. Four injections remaining. Yay!
Wicked myalgia and headaches with #20. Can’t say I’m going to miss this process. Continue to take acetaminophen and am feeling okay. Have my Starbucks grande bold coffee and bran muffins with milk chocolate chips, which I made this morning. Also, just made Phil a yogurt, milk, banana, peach blended drink. Ron still sleeping. Cats are fed, Goldie’s out hunting, Rain hanging out, Curry chasing flies on the deck.
It’s “Taste of Little Italy” this weekend, in the portion of Toronto where we live (obviously, Little Italy). They close down the main street for about ten city blocks, there’s music on every corner, people dancing in the streets, jugglers, magicians and mimes put on shows, restaurants provide tastes of their menus, and there are crowds from all over milling about, connecting and interconnecting. Great fun! I’m hoping that by tonight maybe (and by tomorrow definitely), I’ll be able to go out and participate. Phil was out on the strip with his friends from school last night and had a wonderful time.
It’s been busy still at work. Suspect its just the new normal. As public and political pressure increases to have shorter wait lists and faster turn around times in health care, we respond in kind, however, without extra staffing to compensate. Am tired and look forward to having a gradual return of my standard “hyper” energy state in a few weeks, when treatment ends. I’ve learned some very valuable lessons, though, about letting myself slow down. There are now things I see, feel, hear more clearly than I ever have before because I’ve had to slow down and have had, therefore, the time to appreciate them more fully. Hope to ultimately find a balance that will allow me to go, go, go the way I love to, but still take the time to truly appreciate what is actually out there. And appreciate what is here inside of me, too. I continue to learn a great deal about that, through this.
Highlights from the week include a quick get-together with Barb on Tuesday. She and her partner continue to face difficult family times and they figure prominently in my thoughts this weekend – my love goes out to them. The heat wave has broken (darn!), and it is 14 degrees on our deck this morning. Still nice enough to do yoga in the mornings though – birds circle high in the sky over me, with sunlight catching the edges of their wings as it rises in the East. Beautiful. Also beautiful, white and purple morning glory growing all over a steel mesh fencing of a parking lot, seen on the walk to work. It’s the contrasts that are so spectacular, sometimes. Nature, despite our urban sprawl, maintains a continued presence.
Movies watched – it’s been a Kurt Russell week on one particular channel, so I’ve seen two of my twisted faves – Big Trouble in Little China (great movie!) and Escape from New York. Managed to catch this week’s Dr. Who episode on CBC. Been listening to: White Stripes (new), Alexis on Fire, the Arcade Fire and more Coldplay, thank you very much to James, who burned me a Coldplay acoustic cd with stuff from Parachutes, Rush of Blood to the Head and X&Y – is amazing. Had possibly the best Zen Shiatsu massage with Allison ever yet experienced, on Thursday. Plan to continue with Shiatsu post-treatment, as it would seem to be just therapeutic for life, generally.
Wicked myalgia and headaches with #20. Can’t say I’m going to miss this process. Continue to take acetaminophen and am feeling okay. Have my Starbucks grande bold coffee and bran muffins with milk chocolate chips, which I made this morning. Also, just made Phil a yogurt, milk, banana, peach blended drink. Ron still sleeping. Cats are fed, Goldie’s out hunting, Rain hanging out, Curry chasing flies on the deck.
It’s “Taste of Little Italy” this weekend, in the portion of Toronto where we live (obviously, Little Italy). They close down the main street for about ten city blocks, there’s music on every corner, people dancing in the streets, jugglers, magicians and mimes put on shows, restaurants provide tastes of their menus, and there are crowds from all over milling about, connecting and interconnecting. Great fun! I’m hoping that by tonight maybe (and by tomorrow definitely), I’ll be able to go out and participate. Phil was out on the strip with his friends from school last night and had a wonderful time.
It’s been busy still at work. Suspect its just the new normal. As public and political pressure increases to have shorter wait lists and faster turn around times in health care, we respond in kind, however, without extra staffing to compensate. Am tired and look forward to having a gradual return of my standard “hyper” energy state in a few weeks, when treatment ends. I’ve learned some very valuable lessons, though, about letting myself slow down. There are now things I see, feel, hear more clearly than I ever have before because I’ve had to slow down and have had, therefore, the time to appreciate them more fully. Hope to ultimately find a balance that will allow me to go, go, go the way I love to, but still take the time to truly appreciate what is actually out there. And appreciate what is here inside of me, too. I continue to learn a great deal about that, through this.
Highlights from the week include a quick get-together with Barb on Tuesday. She and her partner continue to face difficult family times and they figure prominently in my thoughts this weekend – my love goes out to them. The heat wave has broken (darn!), and it is 14 degrees on our deck this morning. Still nice enough to do yoga in the mornings though – birds circle high in the sky over me, with sunlight catching the edges of their wings as it rises in the East. Beautiful. Also beautiful, white and purple morning glory growing all over a steel mesh fencing of a parking lot, seen on the walk to work. It’s the contrasts that are so spectacular, sometimes. Nature, despite our urban sprawl, maintains a continued presence.
Movies watched – it’s been a Kurt Russell week on one particular channel, so I’ve seen two of my twisted faves – Big Trouble in Little China (great movie!) and Escape from New York. Managed to catch this week’s Dr. Who episode on CBC. Been listening to: White Stripes (new), Alexis on Fire, the Arcade Fire and more Coldplay, thank you very much to James, who burned me a Coldplay acoustic cd with stuff from Parachutes, Rush of Blood to the Head and X&Y – is amazing. Had possibly the best Zen Shiatsu massage with Allison ever yet experienced, on Thursday. Plan to continue with Shiatsu post-treatment, as it would seem to be just therapeutic for life, generally.
Hi Sue,
how good it must feel to have just 4 injections left. You've obviously come a long way, not only with getting on with the treatment, but in coming to terms with the restrictions of energy and recognising the positive outcomes this has had for you.
I hope the headaches and myalgia have abated and that you have a wonderful time at the taste of Italy event, it sounds great.
Good wishes
Miss Poppy
Hi Sue. I ran across your blog via the NEXT BLOG button today. It's the second normal blog i've run across thus far in two months. I must be honest and say i don't know much about your condition, but it seems as though you are coming along quite well. I know the times of tiredness, and pain, are not enjoyable, but hopefully worth it in the end. By the description of your entry, it sounds like a marvelous weekend with all the festivities going on where you live. Reminds me of a New Orleans setting for some reason, though i've never been. I admire that you can keep your chin up in the most adverse situations, and continue to see the beauty and simpleness of life that surrounds you. May you find more rest when you need it, comfort in days of pain, laughter in times of stress, and love in all aspects. God bless.
Hi Miss Poppy,
Amazing how life experiences allow us to see things in new and interesting ways (said with a touch of cynicism, but meaning it!). Really have gained some incredible things from this journey and suspect it doesn't stop here.
Thank you for your kind wishes. I hope things are going well with you, too
Hi Tammy,
Thank you for dropping by my blog and for your extremely kind and supportive words. I bounced over to your blogs, which were great. Your poetry is lovely and through it you shine brightly. The joy you seek is within you. It is within us all.
All best wishes, Sue
Hi Jeff,
Glad to hear you got through the megabusy work time so well. Also great that the work team so supportive.
While I do think some people have worse side effects from this treatment than others, I completely agree that approaching treatment with a positive headspace makes all the difference. I came into this determined to continue working and get on with life and that's the way things have gone. The myalgia and sides that I really notice are just around injection night and next day - after that, it's not too bad at all.
Have a great time with the big family get together! Hope things continue so well for you in ribaland!
Hi there Sue
I am celebrating your 4-to-go week with you!! What a great feeling! To be looking forward to being able to 'go,go,go' but have the balance of being able to notice some amazing things along the way. Wonderful.
I was thinking of you last thursday before my injection when my partner and I met the kids for tea in town. His daughter was telling me all about her regular early morning 'revision trips' (she is doing her high school finals) to Starbucks for coffee and muffins! So I told her a little about you, and we went off to find a muffin for me to take home and have the morning after my injection! SADLY they only had a raspberry one left and I had had my heart set on something lemon or apple, so next time I will go earlier so they have more to choose from! I like the idea of in some way joining you in your Starbucks morning-after ritual! You know, I think you could claim commission from them...
Toronto sounds really happening! How wonderful to be so connected to such life and activity yet you also describe such peace and tranquility, with your cats, your deck, the sunshine.
Hope you have a good week and the headaches clear up. I also get these and find the paracetomol (is that the same as acetominophen?) really does help a lot.
Take care, enjoy your week
Hi Lu,
Great that you're joining the Starbucks ranks. Enjoy! Hopefully, you find the coveted apple or lemon next week.
We are both now counting down. I find waiting for anything more challenging than the doing part of life. Am reminding myself to be patient; reminding myself that "guarded optimism" is all I should allow for, just in case things don't work out as planned. In all honesty though, I can hardly wait!
Toronto is a blast - an incredibly diverse city of two million plus. Absolutely love living here. It has the worries that all big cities carry, but I still believe that we're not as torn up as the larger US cities, yet.
Paracetamol is the UK brand name for acetaminophen, I think, while here it's sold as Tylenol. Head and other aches all cleared up now - generally only last night of and day after shot. Thank you for your kind wishes. Have a great week,
Hi Sue,
i am pleased to read that you are enjoying 4 to go week. this week i will be on 10th and i will be looking for 14 to go.
all the best.
Hi Sue,
Four weeks may seem like a long time, but just think you will at least get August and September drug free and to my mind the late Summer months are much better than the early ones. Think about autumnal raspberries and here in the UK home grown tomatos.
The last 4 weeks really did plod for me, hey the last 4 days plodded. It is 5 days now since I last took a ribavirin tablet and 12 days since my last interferon injection. I know I didn't have many side physical effects but I have already noticed I sleep better and my skin problem is clearing up.
Good luck for the next 4,3,2,1 weeks.
Hi Ijaz,
Week 10 already - wow, it seems like you started not so long ago and now just 14 injections remain for you. You are almost half way finished! Yes, I'm definitely enjoying the thought of only 4 more shots. I hope you have a good week,
Hi Jeremy,
It's been so nice to read your blog and hear how well things are going. Do let me know if you and family ever make the trip over here! I could rave on about how fabulous we Canadians are and what a terrific city Toronto is, but suspect I've mentioned these things once or twice before.... (the weather leaves a bit to be desired, however). Hope all are well (including the guinea pigs),
Hi Jonathan,
You are sounding SO up! It's incredibly inspirational. Thank you for letting me know that you found the last portion of treatment plodding - am feeling a bit like the clock has stopped ticking. I'm sure it's just anticipatory, but feel comforted knowing you found it passed slowly too.
When we go to the cottage in August, the raspberries should be just starting. Can hardly wait!
Hi Sue - not much to add to all the comments.
Italian week sounds fun - we both love italian food - even if I tend to be a little heavy handed with the herbs and black pepper.
Your comments about Jonathan's upbeat mood at the moment, along with your own positive approach to the end of treatment are very reassuring as I prepare to embark on that long journey.
I also agree totally that in the 100 mile an hour, 24/7 approach to modern (working) life, we rarely take the time to 'stand and stare'. I recently came across a junior school which has 'stand and stare' week to encourage children to take in their surroundings. How reassuring that is for the future.
Good luck with the rest of the treatment, hope the headaches get better.
soon soon you'll be done! :)
you are so positive and an inspiration.
we love you!
Hi Nick,
Wow, I think "stand and stare" week is a wonderful educational concept. Suspect I've missed a lot of worthwhile moments in life, too rushed to bother to appreciate them. Nice to think that our children might be encouraged to recognize the value of these moments.
Glad to hear that you are feeling good as treatment approaches. Must actually be a relief of sorts, having waited so long for it to be organized properly. All the best wishes for your upcoming journey,
Dear Annikka,
It is you, James and all the others who help me through this. You enable me to stay positive. How would I cope without all of your support and love? Thank you so much,
love Sue
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